Viskas prasidėjo, kad vienas žmogus ieškojo automobilio puslapiuose. Ir vis jam pasitaikydavo neįtikėtinai pigus automobilis. Jau iš karto buvo aišku, kad čia kažkas nešvaraus. Tačiau nebuvo aiški apgavystės schema. Bet buvo laisvo laiko ir pabendravom su aferistais…
Taigi- pigus automobilis, Subaru Impreza, tik 8600 eurų. Pagal fotkes viskas ten nuliovai… Ant durniaus buvo paspaustas “contact” mygtukas ir parašyta užklausa. O po kelių valandų administracija išėmė skelbimą ir dar net mums parašė žinutę, kad tai afera. Čia didelis pliusas Vokiečių kompanijai.
Tačiau kitą dieną atėjo emailas iš pardavėjo, kad jie gali parduoti tą automobilį. Su tokiu briedinių tekstu:
Spausti toliau:
From the beginning I must say that the car has German documents and license plates. Comparing it with Other cars, the price is a little bit low and I am aware of it, that's Why I Need to Explain it to you: the car is located in London, UK, it has the steering wheel on the left side making driving hard for me in UK, so I have to to sell it in another country. I have a friend who speaks a little bit German and he helped me placing the Internet ad on mobile web site, he told me that I will sell the car on this web site in no time. I got the car for few months ago following my divorce, my ex husband kept the Volvo so he had to buy me a car, this one ( I suppose he considered funny buying a left sided car for me to drive it in a right sided country). I Would very much like to make this deal in person, But it Will Be Because very hard for the moment I am in Norway with my work, ( the company I work for opens a new branch there and it seems I am the only capable branch manager they have ). So, if you decide to buy my car please let me know and we can think about closing this deal in the safest, fastest way for the both of us. We can use a transportation company which can bring the car to your address for instance.
I will wait for your decision.
Monica Hadfield
Nu pasakos ir kliedesiai. Męs dar nekreipėm dėmesio kokią savaitę, o poto parašėm tipo “gal dar galioja pasiūlymas”. Atsakymas- taip, taip. Paprašėm fotkių. Gavom- auto ledinė. 🙂
Tačiau kaip veikia ši afera? Apsimetam durneliais ir toliau bendraujam. Po kažkiek laiko ateina pranešimas, kad tarptautinė transporto ir Escrow kompanija gali tarpininkauti perkant šį automobilį.
Dear Customer,
You have initiated the WWD transaction id : WWD-1121385113
Important : The seller has been ACCEPTED the transaction.
You will receive the payment details in 3-4 hours.
If you decide to cancel the transaction the seller will be informed as soon as possible. In this case you don't have any obligation to us. Your account will be active and you are welcome to enjoy our services any time you decide.
Through this message we have the pleasure to inform you that the merchandise and all documents including sale contract has been left in our custody and have been verified by our team. Everything is in perfect order
Nueinam į tą puslapį, registruojamės ir matom visokius krutus dokumentus. Atrodo viskas čiki… tik kad tokios kompanijos nežino googlė, internetinis puslapių adresas kažkoks keistas, kontaktiniai emailai irgi neteisingi.
(didelė fotkė)
Prisiloginus gaunam net invoisą:
Google maps pagal firmos adresus parodė kad vienas ofisas privačių namų kvartale, kitas netoli Blizzard Entertainment ir panašiai. Interneto domeina analizė parodė, kad tai nemokamų interneto puslapių tiekėjai. Trumpą užklausa interneto tiekėjui ir:
Rašom laišką “pardavėjui” kad kažkoks briedas, kad neveikia tos firmos puslapiai. Po kažkiek laiko pardavėjas praneša, kad viskas tipo gerai. Bet ateina laiškas iš “tos kompanijos”:
Dear customer,
We want to inform you that one of our European server is updating and
some web pages can not be accessed. If you have problems with one of our
web pages please use our international web server located at :
Note : You will be redirected automatically to the nearest server based
on your ip.
Trumpas vizitas į redirektinto puslapio interneto tiekėjo “report abuse” puslapiuką ir vėl neveikia WWW. Po kiek laiko gaunam emailą:
Dear customer,
We have been notified by one of our customer that one or more European
server's can not be accessed. We want to apologize for the issue but one
of our European server which host 2 web sites ( and ) are down for maintenance and upgrading.
You can access our web page and your account following one of our
international servers :
Thank you for choosing WWD !
Rašom pardavėjui, kad “ta transporto kompanija” kažkokia tai keista… 🙂 Gaunam atsakymą:
I have worked with this company one time before and I must say that everything was all right. I have received my invoice too - for transport and wwd fees and I do not have the payments details either to the
invoice but I have received another message from them with their bank account. I don't know about the changing of their web site, I have advised the wwd agent about your issue regarding their web site. Please
tell me if we can go further because I must go at my bank to pay transportation and wwd fees.
Dar ne viskas! Apsimetam durneliu ir rašom, kad neradom invoise banko informacijos ir kad bankas reikalauja įmonės kodo ir VAT numerio. Gi europoje gyvenam! Labai operatyviai gaunam:
Thank you for your message. Following to your request :
1. We are using agent's name since the merchandise is a used vehicle, in
this case you do not need our VAT number because neither you, seller or
us will apply VAT for a used merchandise.
2. Our Iso9001 registration number is : 06249173 but you also wont need
this number. All you need is our agent name and bank account number.
We will attach again our agent details :
Iban GB73 BARC 2069 1723 6214 56
Swift BARCGB22
Įmonės kodai Anglijoje kaip ir Lietuvoje tikrinami online duombazėse. Galite pasitikrinti :). Kadangi kriminalinės informacijos pririnkta daug, kreipiamės į UK policiją. Šiaip ne taip dasimušę iki reikiamos vietos gaunam:
Go to the home page of and in top left hand corner you
will see the link for "Reporting Crime". Complete this online reporting
and it will be sent to the relevant department.
Thank you
NSY email office
Užpildžius ten formas gavom nulinį responce. Kreipėmės į Barklajaus banką- irgi nulis info.
Rašom laišką pardavėjui, kad vietinis bankas neleido daryti šį pavedimą, gavėjas fizinis asmuo, tuo tarpu lyg ir mokama įmonei. Dar labiau, įjungiamas durnelis ir “nuoširdžiai” bandome ispėti pardavėją, kad jis susidėjo su aferistų transporto kompaniją.
Pardavėjas dievagojasi kad viskas čia gerai.
Kadangi atsibodo žaisti, atskleidžiam biški kortas. Sakom kaip pardavėja (Hadfield Monica) komentuotų šį interneto puslapį:
Ten padarykit paiešką pagal tą vardą.
Kuri laiką negavom atsakymo… Po kelių savaičių nutarėm pasityčioti, rašom emailą- tipo, labas sena aferistką, kaip sekasi biznis, gal kokių ferarių turi pakaupusi? Dar padėkojam už ilgą susirašinėjimą ir pranešam, kad laiškai bus panaudoti vietinėje spaudoje straipsnyje apie interneto aferizmus. Mes gi geri “žurnalistai”, męs pranešam apie savo veiklą.
Oj kaip užpyko…. gaunam atsakymą:
OK, you are one of those people who has nothing to do and write on
forums. Well, if this is your real name I must say very seriously that
my next victim will send the money on your name and the next one too, I
am just curious what are you saying about this ? Let's say that in
maximum 1 month you will be celebrity on the internet and probably on
your town because the police will be at your door .. to interrogate you
for stealing people online ... that in your name was withdrawn 30.000
eur ... well I will be happy when I will do that ..
Advertisement ..
Don't joke with this things anymore because you will be the only one who
lose little one ...
By the way .. I saw your blog ... when I will see ONE message about us
there .. you will be the victim I have described before ... Do not think
that this message will absolve you because you don't have any prove that
this message is sent by me ...
Daugiau laiškų negavom ir daugiau su mumi nebendravo. Beja, tai sėkmingiausias bendravimas. Kitas bendravimas dėl paveldėjimo nutrūko, kai tik paveldėtoja sužinojo, kad męs esame iš Lietuvos. Jei norėsi patamptyti nervus aferistams, nerašykit kad esat iš aferistų krašto :).
Beja, vienas adresas dar veikia: kuris redirektiną į:
Vadinasi aferistai dar dirba.
Caveat Emptor ir sėkmės!
kaip is kokio puslapio 🙂
Linksma istorija, tik keista, kad UK visiškai nesureagavo :-/
Reiks gal ir man pabendrauti su kuriais nors iš šitų aferistų. Nebūna nė dienos, kad nelaimėčiau kelių milijonų svarų loterijoje, ar nepaveldėčiau kažkokių senų giminaičių turto egzotinėse šalyse 😀
Pilnas internetas skamerių. Praeitą savaitę teko pradėt ieškot kambario nuomai, tai supratau, kad kokie 30% skelbimų yra skamas.
Pirmą dieną pamačiau nuomojamą nuliovą butą už žemą kainą ir iškart kilo įtarimas. Parašiau ant bajerio ir po poros žinučių viskas atsiskleidė. Tipo įrodyk, kad turi pinigų nuomai – persiųsk pinigų savo draugui per, berods, money gram, ir atsiųsk čekio nuotrauką 😀 Ir dar patikslina: jo advokatas turi patikrinti pervedimą prieš draugui išgryninant pinugus 😀
Aš asmeniškai nejaučiu malonumo su jais bendraudamas..
kas baisiausia, tai kad net litofcai is aferiugu krasto sugeba prisigaut, nusipirko vienas toki stebukla is, o atrode visai mastantis zmogus. ech, smagu butu, jei saskaitoj 30k euru rastum, kad ir nesiruosdamas/negaledamas panaudot 😀
Draugas pardavinėjo fotoaparatą, tai vienam įtartinam žmogeliui davė sąskaitos numerį banke “B–is ne bankas” ir gavo ar tai elektroninę versiją, ar tai nufotkintą popierinį dokumentą, kad pervedimas sėkmingai įvyko.. Išradingi jie ir kantrūs. Matyt apsimoka..
Kas įdomu, kad tas * hostinasi pas tokius, kurie yra lietuvaičiai. 🙂 Sutapimas gal?
Na ką šiandien vėl keletas perliukų el. pašte:
Dear Friend,
I know that this message will come to you as a surprise. I am the Auditing and Accounting section manager with Bank of Africa, Ouagadougou Burkina faso. I Hope that you will not expose or betray this trust and confident that I am about to repose on you for the mutual benefit of our both families.
I need your urgent assistance in transferring the sum of ($15) Million US Dollars only to your account within 10 or 14 banking days. This money has been dormant for years in our Bank without claim.I want the bank to release the money to you as the nearest person to our deceased customer late Mr Andrew Eich who died along with his supposed next of kin in an air crash since 31st October 1999.I don’t want the money to go into government treasury as an abandoned fund. So this is the reason why I am contacting you so that the bank can release the money to you as the next of kin to the deceased customer.
Please I would like you to keep this proposal as a top secret and delete it if you are not interested.Upon receipt of your reply, I will give you full details on how the business will be executed and also note that you will have 30% of the above mentioned sum if you agree to handle this business with me. I am expecting your urgent response as soon as you receive my message.
Mr. Dany Ibrahim.
Winning numbers: 1-2 – 26 -30-40-21
Congratulations! This is to inform you that your email has emerged as the winner of this year’s Australian lottery draws in the second category. This lottery draws was based on a computer ballot system ,using emails drawn from Europe, Asia, Russia and Africa.
You have been approved a lump sum of $ 400,000 dollars only.
To claim your prize, contact your claims agent, Mr.Williams Adams with mail below and quote your winning numbers:
Name …… Mr.Williams Adams
Email ……
Send all replies to this message:
NB: In order to avoid the loss of prize money, the winner must keep information about winnings confidential until your prize money has been transferred on your account.
Florence Smith
Australia Lottery Coordinator.
Domeny CZ za 190 Kc!!! na
Kadangi pas mane milijonai jau liejasi per kraštus, dovanoju jums. Kas pirmas jiems parašysit, galėsit pasiimti visus pinigus, kurie buvo skirti man 😀
Šiandien facebooke privačia žinute gavau tokį(wtf jie tikisi kad dumbai, tokius ilgus tekstus skaitys ?:D):
My name is alahaji dangwa I work with cal Bank of ghana Plc.Thanks for your intelligent understanding about this transaction. i will like to confirm to you that am oblige to transact this business with you
i want you to stand as a beneficiary to the sum of $6.5millions united state dollars lying down unclaimed in the bank i work, what really happened is that during the course of our auditing last week
I discovered a floating fund in an account opened in the bank in the year 2002 and since 2004 nobody has operated on this account again, and after going through some old files in the records I discovered that the owner of the account died without a [Heir/WILL] hence the money is floating and if I do not remit this money out urgently it will be forfeited for nothing
and the owner of this account Mr Jawdee Baker an Egyptian and great industrialist, who was a Private contractor with the Federal Government of ghana, unfortunately he was shot and killed in iraq there in Baiji, and including his wife and only daughter leaving nobody to claim the money. and ever since his death the money has been lying unclaimed. Now i need your cooperation and honest to claim this money because only someone from foreign country can stand as the beneficiary
and the Banking law stipulates that any money lying unclaimed for six years will be transfer to federal government suspend account with central bank of ghana. Please i need your assistance to achieve this great chance because i do not wish this money to be transfer to Central bank of ghana because it will be shared among the top directors,who are kaffir.
No other person knows about this account or any thing concerning it, the account has no other beneficiary and my investigation proved to me as well that the account is a secret account. The total amount involve is $6.5million United States Dollars only and I wish this money should be transfer into a safe foreigners account abroad. But I don’t know any foreigner, I am only contacting you as a foreigner because this money can not be approved to a local person here,but to a foreigner who has information about the account.I am revealing this to you with believe in God that you will never let me down in this business .
I need your strong assurance that you will never let me down, I guarantee that this transaction will be executed under a legitimate arrangement that will protect you from any breach of the law.I will destroy all the old documents of this transaction immediately we receive this money leaving no trace to any place.I will use my position and influence to obtain all legal approvals for onward transfer of this money to your account with appropriate clearance from the relevant ministries and foreign exchange departments. At the conclusion of this business, you will be given 50% of the total amount, 50% will be for me. Please i want you to be honest with me because this money is a golden opportunity to me and i do not want to loose it. For the business to be effected i will need the following ii want information from you
1.Your Full Name:
2.Your Full Residential Address:
3.Your Direct Telephone Number And Email Address
4.Your Date Of Birth And Occupation:
5.Your Photography and Driving lincence
With all these information i will successfully inputs your name in the necessary files and also insert your information into the bank central computer as the next of kin to the late depositor and the sole beneficiary of the unclaimed fund after the demise of the depositor.Note that
i need to insert your name into the bank central computer and a file will be opened in your name, so with these information i will definitely commence with the processing of the fund in your name,so that when you are contacting the bank your name will appear in the bank central computer as the next of kin to the late depositor. I want you to know that this transaction is 100%risk free because all necessary documents to prove u as the beneficiary will be processed with your name.I want you to handle this business offer with utmost confidentiality and keep it as top secret because my Bank must not know that i gave you this information
Furthermore after the whole processing of the fund in your name you will need to contact the bank which i shall give you the contact information and the required proofs which you shall offer the bank as the heir and you will apply for the transfer of the fund to your bank account.After you might have applied for the release of the said fund and as soon as your letter reach the desk of the director an official and professional response will be given to your letter of application , an official verification will be followed to screen your information contained in your application letter in the bank central computer and i assure you that your information will be met in the bank central computer as the next of kin,beneficiary and claimant of the said fund.
As soon as you are been confirmed as the next of kin , the bank director will give you an official invitation to come down to ghana because there are valuable and vital governmental certificate and banking documents that require your original signature which you are to sign here in ghana originally as the beneficiary of the fund before the release of the fund could be effected. In this case i will advise you to apply for the documents to be sent to you by courier service at your own cost meaning that you will have to pay the courier fee that may be charged by the bank to enable the industry send you the documents due to your inability to come down to ghana to sign the documents.If this is agreed by you I want you to state it clearly in your reply .
Immediately you apply for the documents to be sent to you by courier service the bank director will ask you to send the courier fee and as soon as you send the courier fee the whole documents will be sent to you by courier service and you will have these documents signed originally in accordance with the bank procedure after you finish to sign the documents the fund will be released to your account in the next 4 to 5 working days.As soon as u receive the money in ur bank account,i shall take my leave to your country for my own share of the money and i shall settle down in your country & invest there.I will also go into partnership business with u if u care but i intend to go into REAL ESTATE and also i need you to promise me one this, after we get this money we both must use in our share to help the poor, I hope you understand me?. .
Note that your utmost confidentiality as regards this transaction is required. You are to keep it top secret and confidential matters for us to progress,achieve our aims and finally for security reason.CONTANT ME WITH THIS EMAIL,{}
Įdomus straipsniukas 🙂 Krizinė tendencija, jog vogimas, apgavystės bei kiti šamaniški būdai “užsidirbti” pinigų kaip tik populiarės. Arba tai galima įvardinti bendrai kaip ir pasauline tendencija, kad žmonės stengis užsidirbti pinigų apgavysčių būdu, kaip antai: magnetinių ir amžinųjų variklių kūryba, energijos taupymo prietaisais, magnetiniais kuro molekulių gerintojais bei dar pliuosuojant prie to pačio visokio plauko sektas, šarlatanizmu aj be to, finansinėmis piramidėmis.
Žmonės, kur ritasi pasaulis ir patys žmonės ❓ 🙄